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Filip | 3 years ago | 9 comments | 1 like | 906 views

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Is it possible to explode a 3D model?

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Never tried this, but maybe we could use the submodels as explosion fragments and move and rotate them separately.

If this works we could automate this with a JUMBLE prop in analogy with the same prop of the text layer.

michiel, 3 years ago

To see how well the JUMBLE prop works for exploding a text, take a look at this installer show:

michiel, 3 years ago

Michiel, the idea with the submodel fragments sounds really great. We could fracture our models in Blender and BluffTitler would be used to break them apart the way you've described, giving it an explosion look without the need of physics simulation. Way to go and as always thanks for your hard work!

Thor5ten, 3 years ago

Model explosion with submodels as debris is a good idea.

vincent, 3 years ago

Thnx for all the new ideas. Michiel: I know the Jumble property. I've used it before, also in my last share:

The idea of submodel fragment sounds nice but it means the creation of new submodels....that means knowledge of 3d software.

Filip, 3 years ago

Here's how EZ looks like with a JUMBLE prop.

This new model layer prop will be part of the next version!

michiel, 3 years ago

Funny effect. Looks great.

Filip, 3 years ago

Looks cool! Can't wait for the next version. Thanks.

Thor5ten, 3 years ago

The model layer now has a JUMBLE prop:

michiel, 3 years ago

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