Filip | 3 years ago | 4 comments | 486 views
Why doesn't the Robotic Arm layer work with the TextWriter.cfx?
It would be the example of user friendly-ness and simplicity.
What should happen when you apply the Text\TextWriter effect to a robotic arm layer?
michiel, 3 years ago
The arm disappears.
Filip, 3 years ago
That's no surprise because the Text\TextWriter effect has been designed for the text layer. Technically you can apply any effect to any layer type, but that does not mean that it produces something useful. My question was: what did you expect to happen when you applied the Text\TextWriter effect to a robotic arm layer?
michiel, 3 years ago
Michiel I expected nothing I followed your suggestion.
But I hoped to have a same effect on the Robotic arm layer when the target layer is a Sketch layer or a Text layer with the Textwriter effect (because this text looks the same as the text in the Bixpack 34 7_Sketch2)
It was worth to try.
Filip, 3 years ago