NextPreviousHomeCan Plasma Layer Transparency be made softer or dimmer?

lightads | 4 years ago | 4 comments | 633 views

I'm using a plasma layer for a background but it's a bit too strong. Is there a way to make it softer or dimmer.

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I think you are looking for the COLOUR 1 and COLOUR 2 properties.

michiel, 4 years ago

You could also use the CameraFader.cfx effect. It works also the plasma layer.
Or you could use the \Effects\Filters\SoftBorder.cfx effect. You could play with the size of the border.

Filip, 4 years ago

@Michiel I tried playing around with COLOR 1 and COLOR 2, that changes colors and not brightness.
A work around is to render Plasma layer by itself then in Vegas alter the opacity.

Adding CameraFader.CFX is the answer, thanks Filip for the suggestion.

lightads, 4 years ago

Maybe you can try this : add plasma to a colourmap, use the colourmap as texture on pic or eps layer and adjust transparency of this layer

vincent, 4 years ago

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