Filip | 4 years ago | 4 comments | 796 views
Michiel I'm following an animation course online and now I want to create a natural movement for a falling text with the idea that the text is made from a rubber material.
So the text falls and starts slower and accellerates. When touching the floor it sqeezes (less height more with) this movent is decellerating. When it's going up. This movement is accelerating ant the text is getting it's own format. This bouncing is repeated with a higher frequency and a lower amplitude.
I'm trying but haven't found the right way.
The bouncer setting does a part of the work but when you try to sqeeze the text it's becomming a mess.
Some ideas:
1) Use good old keyframe animation
2) Use the particle layer. The installer has a demo: Particle\
3) Use the Text\JumpForJoy effect
4) Use the old V11\V11_BouncingBall effect
Oh, and this community is about users helping other users. It is not about me. So please do not direct your questions to me. Thank you!
michiel, 4 years ago
Sorry. Will not happen again.
I thought it was possible to add a new effect or add unction to one of the effects.
Filip, 4 years ago
Actually the is a fantastic example for rubber effect. If only the damper and bounce . . . ETC had control sliders for variable amounts it would be even more awesome.
lightads, 4 years ago
Lightads, the BOUNCING property of the particle layer is what you are looking for:
michiel, 4 years ago