Filip | 5 years ago | 8 comments | 844 views
Michiel is it possible to create a flicker effect for the light layer.
I tried it with the Flare.cfx effect on the Point light layer, but this doesn't work.
I want to put a Light layer on the same position as the candle flame to make the shining of the candle more natural.
A Point light layer floating on an Invisible water Layer?
Filip, 5 years ago
Exactly, but you must place a light in a container and make this container floating in water because it's not possible directly with light layer.
vincent, 5 years ago
I would try using a few flare pictures on top of each other. All using the Flare effect, but with different FX FLICKER PERIOD values between 0.1 and 1.
The flare effect renders the pictures with additive blending. To prevent it becomes too bright, set the COLOUR props to low values.
michiel, 5 years ago
Another option is using good old key frame animation: use a flare picture, apply the NotLightenedAdditive effect and animate the COLOUR property.
michiel, 5 years ago
Vincent and Michiel Thank you for your suggestions!
The last I tried already, but I am lazy...
Filip, 5 years ago
Wow looks great Vincent.
Filip, 5 years ago