Franco Aversa | 5 years ago | 2 comments | 1.3K views
it's possible modify the sketch layer so that
it is possible to read the image not from a file but also from the color map?
In this way you could make a color map with a writing or drawing and inserting this colormap on the sketch layer that turns into a path?
It would be enough to change the writing on the colormap to generate a new eps of the outline of the text or get paths
Great idea!
Only problem is that it will slow down the rendering speed because every time the colourmap changes it has to be traced again.
michiel, 5 years ago
Yes, in fact I was saying for a fixed text or picture in colormap.
It would be interesting!
This would be useful because the user who uses the show could modify the animation without entering the external file. For example in my bloc-notes
and pencil animation, the text is drawn with biexelangelo. If it were a text in a color map maybe you could trace it and use the "writer" command to make it appear.
Franco Aversa, 5 years ago
I'm a videomaker since 1986, now I work at my company.
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