lightads | 6 years ago | 2 comments | 960 views
Everyday I go thru a BT file to try understand how an effect is applied. In your Pendulum BT I can't work out how B L U F F T I T L E R text swing effect is produced.
It's using the flexibility property:
With this property you can make the characters behave as if they are attached to each other by springs. The 1st slider controls the delay in seconds of the slowest character. This is also the time you have to extend the duration of the show in order to give all the characters enough time to reach their destination.
The 2nd slider controls the pickup point, 0 means the first character and 1 the last character.
If the 3rd slider is greater than 0, every character has its own random delay. If the 3rd slider is -1, the text is split into words instead of characters. If the 3rd slider is less than -1, the order of the words is random.
Filip, 6 years ago
Oh and the Physics dropdown is set to "Accelerate and decelerate"
It's a nice show to try out all the Physics ettings.
Filip, 6 years ago
Using 3D BluffTitler to give me the edge in my video editing :)
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