Released: Wednesday, February 6th 2019
Changes since version 14.0:
10 updated translations: Suomi, Francais, Turkce, Magyar, Tamil, Arabic, Svenska, Chinese(Simplified), Italiano and Arabic
2 new styles in the text layer: Stroked sharp and Inflated
Bevel size is automatically limited to prevent intersections and distortion
New quality mode: choose SETTINGS > Super high quality
Emoji 11.0 Learn more
Optimization: loading big models is a lot faster
Optimization: stroked text styles are generated a lot faster
F2 info extended.
Folder icons with show thumbnails
Natural sort in file dialog
Water layer is now double sided
Characters property of EPS layer is now 2D. The 2nd slider controls the number of lines.
1 new style in the light layer: Projected shadows on wall
1 new property in the particle layer: Min distance
Option to use fog colour as background colour in FILE > Set background colour... dialog
Pixel media: new textures, new shows and a new model
Show duration is no longer rounded off to whole seconds. You can now, for example, enter 2.5 in the FILE > Set show duration... dialog
8 new effects: Special/Inflate, Special/NormalMapper, Special/Octopus, Special/ClipAdditive, Special/UVModifierAdditive, Special/JigsawPuzzle3D, Picture/ExtrudePicture & Filters/JigsawPuzzle
1 old effect converted: V11_ReflectiveWater_CubemapDDS
1 new option: Max texture resolution Learn more
Redesigned effect thumbnails
Restyled Bix
Bugfix: When loading a show containing a colourmap layer into an existing colourmap layer (<Control> M), the colourmaps are now correctly linked.
Bugfix: Russian translation fixed!
Bugfix: Pre-export simulation time now works with particles attached to a picture layer
Bugfix: mirror, colourmap and cubemap layers can now be saved as a preset
Bugfix: transparent stereo rendering now works as expected
chaver, 6 years ago
Chaver this is are all the changes since version 14.0 it is not specific realated to the last changes.
I Think there are only bugfixes.
Filip, 6 years ago
I'm a videomaker since 1986, now I work at my company.
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