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Franco Aversa | 3 years ago | 22 comments | 8 likes | 1.3K views

ebalint, Decentralized, Ilja and 5 others like this!

I inserted the logo to be projected inside a container,
I put a light behind the logo that casts the real shadow.
I created a target to move the projector and make the logo
is in front of the lighthouse.
The shadow is really cast on the walls.

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that's how

Franco Aversa, 3 years ago

Molto bello

nonnogio, 3 years ago

Grazie è un test non un'animazione finita, mi serviva per trovare la giusta distanza tra logo e lampada per poter proiettare l'ombra sul muro.

Franco Aversa, 3 years ago

Maybe the right way to make but very complex.

Filip, 3 years ago

Yes, that's how it works in the real word

vincent, 3 years ago


LostBoyz, 3 years ago

Hi Franco, would it be nice to be able to get effects like these in the video? Is it possible or do you need new options to change the various gobos?

Ciao Franco, sarebbe bello poter ottenere effetti come questi nel video? E possibile oppure servono nuove opzioni per cambiare i vari gobos?

GaspareNet, 3 years ago

GaspareNet something like this is possible.
The basics you can find in my downloadable show:

Filip, 3 years ago

Thank you @Filip !!!

GaspareNet, 3 years ago

Franco, is it true that you have to place the pivot point of the container layer at the rotation centre of the moving head?

michiel, 3 years ago

Filip, great idea to use the ProceduralTextures\Star effect!

michiel, 3 years ago

@Michiel is it possible that the beam itself generates a shadow of the object placed in front of the "lens"?

Filip, 3 years ago

That´s a clever trick.

Ulli, 3 years ago

Une solution basée sur celle de Franco est de placer l'image tracée à l'emplacement de la "lentille" de la tête du projecteur, puis, juste derrière un point de lumière. Le point de pivot de l'image est placé au niveau du pivot de la tête, et l'image est la cible de la tête du projecteur. Il suffit de déplacer l'image en rotations horizontale et verticale.

A solution based on Franco's is to place the traced image at the location of the "lens" of the projector head, then, just behind a point of light. The pivot point of the image is placed at the pivot of the head, and the image is the target of the projector head. Just move the image in horizontal and vertical rotations.

Alex-Raymond T., 3 years ago

Loving the collaborations and the results produced.

Decentralized, 3 years ago

I think the ultimate bat-signal is not a shadow or a projection, but a hologram. This is much more practical because you do not need something to project your signal on. This is difficult to do in reality, but super easy in BluffTitler: attach a container to your robotic arm layer and attach a picture to this container.

michiel, 3 years ago

Thanks Michael for the tip. Do you think it is possible to project a slide against a building, for example like at the Fête des Lumières in Lyon? In the example above, the image does not follow the surface of the buiding and appears as a hologram outside the walls.

Alex-Raymond T., 3 years ago

Raymond, voici une alternative pour simuler une projection d'image (colourmap) sur une surface 3D (Bix modèle). J'espère que ca pourra t'aider.

vincent, 3 years ago

Merci Vincent, bonnes simulations. J'étais entrain de m'orienter vers cette voie avec l'UV Mapping.
si j'y arrive, je passerai mon résultat.

Alex-Raymond T., 3 years ago

Projecting the picture onto the building gives you unwanted effects as you can see here with Bix's lower eye. My point is that a hologram is the easiest way to do and also looks best. So why spend precious time trying to do the same with projections or shadows?

michiel, 3 years ago

Indeed there are distorsions but it the way it looks in real, if you project a film on a wall like this one you'll see the same distorsions especially in a 30° angle. Looks better in front view on large wall with relative small withdrawals and recesses. It is a balance to be found between aesthetics or realism.

vincent, 3 years ago

Eh, oui, reviens à vos conclusions. Merci d'avoir passé quelque temps sur mon sujet. Bonne journée.
PS: Pour mon information personnelle, Michiel, j'aurais aimé savoir comment vous faites pour projeter une image sur un objet 3D.

Alex-Raymond T., 3 years ago

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About Franco Aversa

I'm a videomaker since 1986, now I work at my company.

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