Filip | 6 years ago | 7 comments | 1.5K views
@Michiel I don't know anything about the complexity of the effects in BT, but is it possible ?? to make a combination effect RainbowTextDisplacementmapCubemap.cfx and RainbowTextDisplacementmapReflectionmap.cfx?
I would be a great feature for my new found "inflated" text.
On that subject, almost every .cfx has the Texture size, Texture position and Texture mapping properties.
Because nothing visually changes when set to 0 or 1
If it's meant to be as in the UVMapper.cfx and 0 would mean treat texture per letter (object) OR 1 to treat texture over the whole word (object) then this solves more than this request from Filip.
For as now it doesn't seem to work ?
komies, 6 years ago
Filip, thank you for your request!
Creating such an effect would be easy, but we have to prevent ending up with rainbow versions of all existing effects. Too many effects will make the app difficult to use.
Maybe effects can have different "techniques" that can be selected with a dropdown in the MEDIA > CHANGE EFFECT... dialog. This way we can add rainbow versions of existing effects without the need of a separate new effect file!
michiel, 6 years ago
Komies, the TEXTURE MAPPING property of the text layer sets the way the texture coordinates are computed.
Those UV coordinates are used with, for example, colour mapping and displacement mapping.
They are not used with reflection mapping, so that might explain why you don't see any changes.
michiel, 6 years ago
First experiments with variable bevel values in combination with border intersection protection look promising!
The bevel value is automatically limited to prevent distortion. If a thin detail requires a small bevel value, this is automatically adjusted without affecting big bevels in other parts of your font.
michiel, 6 years ago
Wonderful, Michiel
Variable bevel looks very promising!
On my question, could this different "techniques" also use the UVModifier and UVMapper property to treat a texture on the whole of the text instead per letter?
That would be great!
komies, 6 years ago
Maybe the "effect techniques" concept can help grouping effects together to make them easier to find and extend. It's an organizational concept and has nothing to do with technology.
michiel, 6 years ago
Michiel looks good. Don’t understand any of it... but the result looks Nice!
Filip, 6 years ago