Franco Aversa | 7 years ago | 11 comments | 1 like | 1.4K views
chaver likes this!
Wow, how many choices !!
You need Alphabix to convert photofonts .phf to Alphabix .bf (choose FILE > Import photofont...)
Blufftitler already got some Bitmapfonts that came with the installer:
Go to a text layer or add a new text layer and type your message then change font (F6) then select Bitmap font.
And the coupon code "FOURTEEN" stil works 50% off.
komies, 7 years ago
Thank you Komies.I have already bought Alphabix but i find it a bit hard to understand
chaver, 7 years ago
If it was a was a video tutorial showing how to use Alphabix it would be easier to understand
chaver, 7 years ago
I made videos tutorial for Outerspace software but in Italian, because my English is not so good!
( In truth it is really terrible...LOL )
Franco Aversa, 7 years ago
Chaver, here a small tuto to create a simple alphabet bitmap font:
1) select the characters you want in your font.
2) for each character you must select a corresponding picture.
(if you name pics a,b,c,.....z, you can attrib all characters in one time)
3) save you bitmap font.
In BluffTitler, add text, change font, press BITMAP FONT button and select your bitmap font (.bf).
vincent, 7 years ago
I'm a videomaker since 1986, now I work at my company.
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