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Franco Aversa | 7 years ago | 14 comments | 1 like | 2.3K views

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Hi Michiel,
I didn't understand one thing, on the old Bixelangelo you could create ornaments even from your own designs, and also, we can generate sketchmap.

You can still do these things with Bixelangelo 4.0 ?

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The answer is no. Those features have been removed because too many users have informed us that they were too complex to use. I must admit, I also had big trouble using them

The old version can be downloaded here:

In case you want to run both versions, make a copy of the installation folder before running the other installer.

Maybe they will be re-introduced in a future version when we find a way to make them easier to use. Thank you for your request!

michiel, 7 years ago

:( But then do I have to make my own design that "grows"?
Or create trees and plants that grew up?
I have to draw them in vector and I can not use drawings already ready.

Franco Aversa, 7 years ago

You can keep both versions (3.0 and 4.0) of the program installed on your computer.

vincent, 7 years ago

Too late, version 4 has squizzed version 3

Jeep35, 7 years ago

When I have installed the 4.0 delete the 3.0

Franco Aversa, 7 years ago

1) Install version 3.0 in folder C:\Outerspace Software\Bixelangelo3\

2) Once it is installed rename folder C:\Outerspace Software\Bixelangelo3\
as C:\Outerspace Software\Bixelangelo3BKP\ for example.

3) Don't forget to change target of the shortcut to point to renamed folder
Delete old shortcut and recreate it from the exe file C:\Outerspace Software\Bixelangelo3BKP\Bixelangelo.exe
and name shortcut Bixelangelo3.

4) Then install version 4.0 using folder C:\Outerspace Software\Bixelangelo4\

You'll have both version on same computer, works fine on mine.
Bixelangelo3.0.0.5 here if you have no more the installer :

vincent, 7 years ago

What a pity that this feature was taken out of the program.
I have made many animations for birthday wishes and my vacation videos with the ornaments.
I'll check to see if I have an older version. Then I can continue to create so wonderful ornaments. :-))

Ulli, 7 years ago

If you have already installed Bixelangelo 4, you rename its directory as Bixelangelo4 and the program as Bixelangelo4.exe. Then you may install Bixelangelo 3 from the link given by Vincent.

Jeep35, 7 years ago

I think its better to rename bixelangelo 3 folder and make a normal install for Bixelangelo 4, like that when you update the program (Ver 4) with last releases you have nothing to do, otherwise you will have to redo that each time you'll upgrade Bixeleangelo 4

vincent, 7 years ago

Yes Vince, you're right !

Jeep35, 7 years ago

Thank you to all, I'll try install Bixelangelo 3 and I hope
that old features are implemented in a new version !!

Franco Aversa, 7 years ago

I have the same problem, because I have many beautiful wedding and birthday animations, using sketchmap and I have always decorated my videos with my own designs.
And now I'm going to do what my friend vincent gave us the good advice. I hope in the next version of Bixelangelo we can continue doing wonders with the magic of such nice software. Thanks Michiel and Vincent for your help.

Jesus, 7 years ago

Thank you very much Vincent, it works very well !!

Franco Aversa, 7 years ago

Darn it. I am upset that the ability to create ornaments , and generate sketchmaps has been removed from Bixelangelo. It should have been mentioned before Version 4 installed it self and wiped out version 3.

I used the sketch map feature a lot to show the roads I traveled on during my trips. The ornaments were nice to. I used them in titles, headings and credits.

I will have to try the duel install now. Thank you Vincent for the info.


jopin, 7 years ago

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I'm a videomaker since 1986, now I work at my company.

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