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MrGruntHunter | 7 years ago | 3 comments | 1 like | 1.2K views

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Can you give us a hint as to what the next BixPack theme(s) will be? ;-)

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I personally would love to work out an animated fonts pack where each glyph is constructed rather than faded in. This would however require a new app (or new version of Alphabix?) to generate/convert those animated fonts which is a waste of time when the current features of the current apps/effects aren't fully exploited yet. I would, for example, be fun to create a cruise vacation pack with the water layer, a mountains pack with the landscape layer or a roller coaster/road trip pack with the latest version of Bixelangelo!

Even single effects are powerful enough to embody a new pack. To mention one, I think the Filters\Distortion effect applied to the camera layer is very, very powerful.

michiel, 7 years ago

Always looking forward to the newest innovations. I'm still hoping to see BixPacks that are a variety of year around activities such as; Sports Oriented, Holiday Themed, Vacation Themed (as you've mentioned) and/or just general vacation packs. These would make great introductions to videos being recorded of personal family activities.

MrGruntHunter, 7 years ago

Does anyone else have a BixPack wish list ?

MrGruntHunter, 7 years ago

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