Pixelpanther | 10 years ago | 2 comments | 7 likes | 2.3K views
LostBoyz, DaveH, Dani and 4 others like this!
Firstly, a huge thank you to Michiel and the team for my Christmas Card, I was thrilled to find it in the post and was a lovely surprise!
I would like to wish everyone, new and old here, a very Merry Christmas, peace and prosperity. I look forward to returning with some of the other BT family soon :)
Enjoy this time, forgive, forget and look forward.... Because you guys make this place everything.....
Long Live Bluff!! :)
All my best.....Bob (aka Pixelpanther)
Gracias y mis Felicitaciones a ti Bob.
Jesus, 10 years ago
28 articles 47.5K views
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