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Omer | 10 years ago | 5 comments | 1 like | 2.4K views

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How to generate transparency on vídeo background ?

I need to cut the black oval background and then save to avi with transparency. In the oval motion graphic I want to mount a photo.
I've tried with the mask effect, but I could not.

Here's an example of two images. It should be noted that the video contains a plasma background.

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BluffTitler standing alone will do the job and give you more versatility.

1st - Make an oval png file. If you can't make one, do a Google Image Search for "oval png" and just download one.

2nd - Import the oval.png as an EPS layer and change the texture to whatever picture or video you want on it.

3rd - Import the oval.png again, this time as a sketch layer. Set its shape to round and increase its radius to 5 and 5. Color/add Effects as desired

4th - Apply your Plasma layer

If you put both the Oval.png layers in a container, you'll really have some versatility.

BillyJack, 10 years ago

BillyJack, everything that you explain what I do. What I do is export to avi with alpha channel.
Thank you very much for your help.

Omer, 10 years ago

I want to cut the oval and export to avi. See the example image.

Omer, 10 years ago

With the alpha effect you can add transparency to pictures and videos:

michiel, 10 years ago

Welcome to the ones that teach others with their shows !

snafu, 10 years ago

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