John (ProComGer) | 10 years ago | 10 comments | 4 likes | 10.2K views
snafu, BillyJack, michiel and 1 other like this!
If you want something eye-catching, you'll need to create something that is unique. Of course, I can't tell you the best way for eye-catching shows, but I would like to give you some tips below:
→ Make sure to have 1920x1080 resolution.
1) Open up BluffTitler and create a new show.
2) Add a new picture layer (it doesn't matter which texture you choose, because it will be covered by the plasma layer in the next step.)
4) Select the preset you would like to start with (I used "Blobs gold").
5) Select "Sphere" in the dropdown listbox on the left.
6) Change "Position" to: 0, 0, 0.
7) Rotation: 0, 0, 90.
9) Select the PLASMA LAYER and change the color to whatever you wish (I chose blue colors).
10) Select the PARTICLE LAYER and change the color to whatever you wish (I chose some brighter blue colors).
11) Change "Floor level" to -20 (to get something like a particle floor).
12) You can add some turbulence to get cartoon-like effects.
13) You can adjust the particle size now.
14) Click on "Add text layer", position: 0, 0, 100, font size: 0.3232.
15) Press "F9", "Select Effect", "Compositions", "ReflectiveFloor_GradientReflection.fx", "OPEN", "OK".
16) Select in the drop-down list "FX Floor Level": -8.08.
17) > "FX Transparency Gradient": 8 (I don't know how to smoothen the reflection?).
18) > "FX Gradient Smooth": 10, 10.
19) Change color or font if you want.
20) Go to "Twist": -39.132.
21) Set a key frame at 5 seconds and type in "twist": 14.544, 4.554.
22) Go to LAYER > ATTACH LAYER > ATTACH PARTICLES TO ACTIVE LAYER and select "Sparkles3". Adjust the particle size!
23) Go to LAYER > ATTACH LAYER > ATTACH LIGHTNING TO ACTIVE LAYER and select "Blue flashes".
You are finished with your commercial :).
Here is a commercial example from YouTube:
DO NOT HESITATE TO DOWNLOAD THE TEMPLATE! HAVE FUN WITH IT! Please check the "Read me.txt" file for the fonts!
Best regards
Great tutorial but I'm a bit confused about the YouTube video. I was about to like this video when I found out it was not created by you and not even by BluffTitler, right? Maybe it's better to post only BluffTitler created videos in this gallery.
michiel, 10 years ago
@ all: thanks. I am planning to upload a similar show as soon as possbile.
@ Michiel: I am planning to replace the video by my own show (or by a screenshot of my show), but my internet connection was too slow yesterday that I was unable to upload any video.
John (ProComGer), 10 years ago
Welcome to the ones that teach others with their shows !
snafu, 10 years ago
@ Michiel and @ all: As promised, I have replaced the video by a screenshot of my show. Don't hesitate to download the template. I have added a few extra layers to give it a cool look :).
Best regards
John (ProComGer), 10 years ago
Updated 2012-05-19
License CC-BY
RichStyle was added by Anas Ramadan
komies, 10 years ago
@ BillyJack: Look at komies' post :).
@ komies: Thanks for the link!
@ Michiel: Is there a way to smoothen the reflection of the main text?
The reflection looks interrupted and not very smooth. Can this be fixed?
John (ProComGer), 10 years ago