Pixelpanther | 10 years ago | 4 likes | 1.5K views
BillyJack, Bald Runner, komies and 1 other like this!
Hi everyone,
I just thought you'd all benefit from the knowledge that whilst working with particles in BT, I decided a small snack was in order, in the form of a chocolate wafer bar.
Being in the middle of something fascinating, I placed it on the desk and continued being entertained by the beautiful display that BT was creating.
Happy with the result, I set the test movie to render and opened my snack to reveal - an almost plain wafer.
Had I of been listening, I would have noted the highly increased fan speed as the process started shoving heat off the CPU at a rapid rate through the vent beside which I had placed the aforementioned wafer bar. This was sufficient over the space of less than a minute to remove the chocolate and send it to the bottom of the packaging.
Thanks BT for reducing my chocolate intake and helping with a healthier diet! For my next trick, I will attempt to cook the ingredients for tomorrow's dinner through the use of multiple FX and layers LOL!
Now if only UV unwrapping was as easy.......
Thought you'd enjoy a giggle :)
Best regards
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