NextPreviousHomefeature request: Stereo rendering SBS

komies | 10 years ago | 6 comments | 4.1K views

Can you make an .fx like Stereo_OculusRift that would work on 3d tv's which is also the most common to watch 3d content.

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Can you point us to the technical specs of your 3D TV?

michiel, 10 years ago

It's not ONLY for me this .fx, I thought it would be a nice asset to use 3d in the development stage before rendering video and then convert them into 3D.

3D Side by Side is not TV specific it's a 3D standard which can be seen with polarised glasses or active shutter (passive or active 3D) this WILL depend on your TV but not the format that can be used for both.

What the .fx most do is not entirely dissimilar to the Stereo_OculusRift.fx:

Split the screen vertically in halve BUT cropped so the images look stretched. The split screen is the two cameralayers with pupil distance, and the cropping would be the hard part to program I suspect.

Here are some links:

komies, 10 years ago

I don't think you need a new FX. You only have to tune 2 properties:
1) the PUPIL DISTANCE property of the camera layer

michiel, 10 years ago

Thank you Michiel,

It never occurred to me to look for the pupil distance without one of the stereo .fx's applied to it.

The aspect ratio is 2:1 and it works perfectly, real popout 3d effect.

Made a fast show to test, nothing fancy :)

komies, 10 years ago

That works really well. I'll have to do some experimenting myself.

pool, 10 years ago


michiel, 10 years ago

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