Pixelpanther | 11 years ago | 2 comments | 1 like | 2.2K views
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Question for you lucky peeps with 11 beta.
The jpg extract convert.... will that allow an extrude/bevel for simple 3d shapes? akin to everything we can do with .eps?
I personally don't really work direct with .eps unless forced too but have some thoughts on quick extractions to become 3d rather than wings3d, blender etc...
The new Trace Picture feature works exactly (as far as I can tell) like a regular .eps. Default is solid, but you can change it to round or straight bevel. In fact it renders out better than most the conversions I've made and is definitely a whole lot faster. Trace Picture vs EPS I give the thumbs up to Trace Picture for it's shear ease in use. Using up the one effect you're limited to is the only benefit I've found to EPS over Trace Picture.
BillyJack, 11 years ago
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