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Pixelpanther | 11 years ago | 3 comments | 3 likes | 2.1K views

michiel, Backflipboy and Bald Runner like this!

Hi Folks,

A major tip in playing with particles, is to experiment. Here's something to try...

1. Create a new scene and in a new text layer place a single letter (can be anything you like). Give this layer an additive blend (eg NotLightened_Additive.fx) from the effects menu.

2. Now set the text colour to black.

3. Attach a particle layer to the text and adjust the properties and size of effect to your liking.

Now you have a blank canvas on which to play around with particle effects so you can get a good idea of their nature. It's surprising how many things can affect the particle layers. For instance, look on the left of your timeline edit menu and you will see the layer effect dropdowns... try changing the third one (whilst on the text layer) to adjust the text effect and watch the particles as you do so....neat huh?

You can clone the layer and sit effects side by side by moving the letters apart using position. This allows you a good starting point to study things.

But that's not all....switch to the particle layer. Now try changing the first layer to 3d spheres, or cubes. Clone the layer, play with settings and see how one effect looks overlayed on another.

There must be a million ways to do things. The secret here is experiment, save and experiment again....

I hope this encourages you to have a play, especially newcomers to BluffTitler who are a bit daunted, but even those of us who use it regularly sometimes forget to have some playtime and maybe discover a few new tricks :)

Enjoy...... Bob :)

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Thanks ;-)

John (ProComGer), 11 years ago

Will try this out, have cut and pasted the text so I can print it out ....... Cheers Bob !

Backflipboy, 11 years ago

Another way to make your layer invisible is to press the CHANGE EFFECT button and choose INVISIBLE.FX

michiel, 11 years ago

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