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michiel | 17 years ago | 6 comments | 2 likes | 7.4K views

With the EPS layer you can add depth to a picture.

I've used Potrace to convert Bix2.png into an EPS file. More info about the EPS layer and Potrace can be found on the EPS page of the user guide, the link is below.

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The fluorescent look of the border has been created by using colour values (red, green, blue) higher than 255 (COLOUR property of layer 5)

If you have a question about this animation please do not send me an e-mail, but instead use the SEND COMMENT button on this page.

michiel, 17 years ago

BT mit weiteren tollen Ideen! Danke Michiel!

carlo, 17 years ago

I'm getting close. I changed picture #2 to a black polygon on a white background and generated the EPS. In BT, this becomes a white polygon on a black background and it's extrudable. Yay!

I then tried to change the texture of the layer (using F9) by attaching Picture #2's PNG. But the whole thing turns black. I tried several parameters below the text box and "Inverted" shows a bit of color but all the others have no apparent effect.

Man, I'm so close! I hope you can figure out what's happening.



jaymac42, 14 years ago

What you are looking for are the TEXTURE POSITION and the TEXTURE SIZE properties.

The process is called "UV mapping".

michiel, 14 years ago

I'm having a heck of a time getting my company logo to rending nicely in BT. I've used Potrace on a large bitmap so that it had as much "information" as I could provide, but in BT the end caps of the lines do not render well. If any one is willing to assist, the files I created are here:

Interestingly, if I import the eps into a graphics program the end caps look quite nice. What I'm trying to achieve is the same smoothness as the fingers of the Bix character in the example above.

JonnyMac, 14 years ago

Are you running BT in high quality mode? In this mode (choose SETTINGS > HIGH QUALITY) the EPS curves are rounder.

And have you already played around with this new effect:

michiel, 14 years ago

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About michiel

Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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