NextPreviousHomeMerging 2nd Show at a specific point on the time line?

lightads | 6 months ago | 7 comments | 1 like | 300 views

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Is it possible to add a 2nd show to start at a specific point on the timeline.

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When you press <Ctrl> M, you can select another show that is inserted into the current show at the current position of the timeline.

michiel, 6 months ago

I moved the scrubber to where I want to start the 2nd show and hit CTRL M but the scrubber moved to the beginning of the show and added it to the beginning. Did I miss something?

lightads, 6 months ago

I did some tests and after merging, the time indeed jumps to the beginning. But the show is correctly inserted to the position the show had when you pressed <Ctrl> M. So when you move the time slider after merging to this old position, I think you'll get what you want.

michiel, 6 months ago

Another way is to put everything into a container of the show that you want to insert. Then after MERGING delete the 2nd camera, then set the TRANSPARENCY=100 to the added container until you need it, then make it 0.

Adding everything into a container is cumbersome because Bluff can't add multiple layers at one time.

lightads, 6 months ago

Lightads, do you mean that it works now?

michiel, 5 months ago

The MERGE function doesnt operate the way you explained. Sliding the scrubber to a position on the timeline where you want the merge to take place doesn't work.

The show that has been merged or added to come in where my scrubber is, is visible from frame one.
If my added show has 50 layers they all have to be moved one at a time.

So the work around would be to put all the layers into a container BEFORE being merged so that it's easier to move the whole container to where you want the merged show to play from.

lightads, 5 months ago

Animating transparency is not part of the merging process. When you merge 2 shows by pressing <Ctrl> M, another show is inserted into the current show at the current time. This does not make the inserted show invisible before that time. Making layers invisible can be done in many ways. One of them, as you have done, is animating the transparency property. And yes, making many layers invisible can be automated with a container layer.

michiel, 5 months ago

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