Filip | 7 months ago | 8 comments | 234 views

I'm totally lost. I have different methods of of making reflective glass. All these don't work when I want to export it to glb.
Now it's suggested that we can create create glass, with haIf transparency, but I don't get it.
Wich effects and texture should I use

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Hi Filip,
I just opened my PC. Here is a quick test. Maybe it will suit you?
Model sketchfab:


Remember to set FX alpha glass test to 0.

Have a nice day.

Alex-Raymond T., 7 months ago

Je pense que Filip veut créer lui-même son model glb avec transparence incluse.

vincent, 7 months ago

Thnx Alex but Vincent is right.

Filip, 7 months ago

I exported wine glass.glb as a 3D object from the first assembly to glass.glb which I entered into the second assembly attached. So a priori it works by applying the appropriate settings:

Alex-Raymond T., 7 months ago

Alex-Raymond : To export a glb file to a glb file in not the purpose.
Try to export this to a glass like transperent 3d bubble glb.

Filip, 7 months ago

Sorry, I didn't understand (once again). Anyway, whether it's a wine glass or a glass ball or bubble, the material being the same, the problem is the same.
With BT, when exporting to a 3D model, by default, the FX Alpha test property has a value of 0.5, and the object is invisible. Even when exporting this object to Blender, the result is the same. You have to adjust the transparency again. I suppose that's where the problem comes from, but I'm not qualified to be sure.

Alex-Raymond T., 7 months ago

Alex-Raymond T., it is possible to store the alpha test value in the GLB file. In the current version, BluffTitler neither reads nor writes this info. We will add this functionality in the next version. Thank you for your request!

michiel, 7 months ago

Merci à vous Michiel .

Alex-Raymond T., 7 months ago

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