Aerofilms30s | 10 months ago | 7 comments | 1 like | 285 views
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Hy my friends,
How can I make a glb model repeat x number of times automatically
best regards
Maybe the particle layer can do what you're looking for. The installer comes with a demo:
Use the MIN DISTANCE prop to prevent the models intersect.
michiel, 10 months ago
yes, this is i can do
how can do that
Aerofilms30s, 10 months ago
the Particle\ is very great but is not that i needed
i need to repeat like the attach image
Aerofilms30s, 10 months ago
I think the fastest and easiest way is to render the model as a picture, render this picture with a picture layer and use the MODEL REPEAT prop.
michiel, 10 months ago
Thank you very much michiel, it would be nice to incorporate this as an improvement in a new version of blufftitler.
best regards
Aerofilms30s, 10 months ago
Aerofilms30s, this can already be done in the current version. Create a simple show with your 3D model, export as a picture (choose FILE > EXPORT AS PICTURE....), create a new show, render the picture with a picture layer and play around with the MODEL REPEAT prop.
michiel, 10 months ago