Aerofilms30s | a year ago | 4 comments | 2 likes | 440 views
Kanon and songbaojin like this!
when i open the vector in blufftitler the image has various imperfections.
the edges of the image you attach should be round, but stay straight
Somebody have a tutorial or any solution
best regards
BluffTitler turns your vector outline into a 3D model: a collection of triangles. More triangles means a rounder shape, but also higher memory use, longer initialization and slower rendering. So this is a compromise. Use the dropdown menus SETTINGS > LOW/NORMAL/HIGH QUALITY to control this.
michiel, a year ago
Thanks a lot for your responce. in this case i have activate the super hight quality.
The problem is in the convert process.
Actually i have better result with bmp2eps
I cant convert directly from illustrator to blufftitler.
Im continuing have the trouble.
In the image you can see the problem, in green it should be a perfect circle, but it has straight lines
Aerofilms30s, a year ago
A 3D model is built out of triangles. No matter how many triangles are used, when you continue to zoom in, you eventually end up seeing straight lines. We could add a MEGA HIGH QUALITY mode but then it would still be easy for you to spot the straight lines simply by zooming in a bit further.
Games featuring huge worlds use all kinds of level of detail (LOD) techniques, but that would be a bit over the top for a video titler. Do you really have to zoom in this far? It's pretty difficult to read the text this way... 😉
michiel, a year ago
Thanks for your responce my friend.
Finally i solved my problem using 2 softwares.
1.- Illustrator to export the vector to eps (version 10)
Export directly to eps version 3 but the shapes will distorsion
2.- Affinity to export vector to eps
the result is so better
Aerofilms30s, a year ago