NextPreviousHomeit is possible to convert any blufftitler to a 360 virtual reality video

Aerofilms30s | a year ago | 5 comments | 2 likes | 416 views

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Hi my friends

it is possible to convert any blufftitler to a 360 virtual reality video

this video is an example that i need to create

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Not all layers of all shows. Only the layers that are part of the 3D world are visible in your VR 360° video. For example, a picture layer using the 2D IN FOREGROUND style will become invisible.

To export as a VR 360° video, add a VR 360° layer:

michiel, a year ago

Oh, and don't forget to switch to a higher quality: choose SETTINGS > HIGH QUALITY.

And also a higher resolution: choose FILE > SET SHOW RESOLUTION...

Yes, VR 360° requires a lot of system resources...

michiel, a year ago

Thank you for your answer, your help was very useful to me.

Since Blufftitler doesn't allow me to view it in VR 360°, it's missing the metadata attributes, I ran it through premiere pro CC and it worked perfectly.

Aerofilms30s, a year ago

Alternatively you could use YouTube's 360° Video Metadata Tool:

michiel, a year ago

Thanks a lot, im going to learn about YouTube's 360° Video Metadata Tool

Aerofilms30s, a year ago

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