vincent | a year ago | 12 comments | 3 likes | 348 views
liuyongcai, LostBoyz and songbaojin like this!
I'm working with textures and i have a very boring problem, layers which use a cubemap (layer) are not reflected in water or mirror. Can you see this because it looks strange as you can see on the pic. Thank you.
not sure if this is what you are refering to Vincint = I have faced this kind of issue before. so The answer may be that you copy the cubemap and past it in the same container as the object that you want the cubmap reflected in.
Rorysee, a year ago
so here is example = anyone can downlad and play around with it.
Rorysee, a year ago
Hi Rory, thank you for the time you took to consider my problem, i have encountered in the past the problem of reflections with objects IN or OUT a container, i have checked the show, but here, it is an other problem, i have simplified and attached the show. For example in layer #4 if you remove cubemap on slot 3 (F9 change texture) reflection works.
vincent, a year ago
Vincent, layers using the generated cube map texture are themselves not rendered in the cube map texture. For this reason they are invisible in the reflections. This is a workaround for the expensive complexity of self reflections and reflections of reflections.
Instead of using a cube map layer you could use a DDS file. Realize that this DDS file can be generated by a cube map layer by choosing FILE > Export as picture....
Does this answer your question?
michiel, a year ago
Rorysee, that's an excellent show. Please consider posting it as a separate article for more exposure. Thank you!
michiel, a year ago
Michiel, it answers to my question and I suspected this answer, but can't we limit the effect of this feedback video (face-to-face mirrors) to 2 occurrences ?
The problem with the DDS cubemap is that it is not dynamic so the appearance of the show is different. It would be cool if you could consider this question. THANKS.
vincent, a year ago
michiel, what I mean is, in our example only allow only one reflection of reflection, no more, in other words do not reflect the reflection. I don't know if it's possible or if it affects other cases and maybe my request is stupid. The goal is to have a faithful reflection in the water or in the mirror of any object. Thank you.
vincent, a year ago
Vincent, multiple light bounces requires ray tracing techniques. Thank you for your request!
michiel, a year ago
Not being a specialist I don't know what that implies. Is it possible, is it a lot of work, Do you plan to implement it one day? Thank you.
It's true that we ask a lot of you, but BT has become so powerful that we always ask for more. It's the price of glory.
vincent, a year ago
Vincent, technology is easy. It only takes honest users like you to make it possible.
Thank you!
michiel, a year ago
Thank you too, Michiel for all the work you have done and the work to come ๐๐๐.
vincent, a year ago