lightads | a year ago | 2 comments | 1 like | 567 views
songbaojin likes this!
I have the whole suit of the Bahnschrift font installed and I can only select Bahnschrift Normal. Does anyone else have problem?
The Bahnschrift font comes with the latest versions of Windows, so no need to install it manually.
My font dialog looks like this.
michiel, a year ago
When I select the Bahnschrift font, I can select 2 styles: Normal and Bold.
Other fonts like Bahnschrift Condensed also offer different styles.
To make it more confusing, professional designers call a font family a "type" and a particular style a "face". For example, "Bahnschrift" is a type and "Bahnschrift Bold" a face. The word "font" is only used for the file: the TrueType or OpenType file is the font.
michiel, a year ago
Using 3D BluffTitler to give me the edge in my video editing :)
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