NextPreviousHomeOnly 'Bahnschrift Normal' can be selected

lightads | a year ago | 2 comments | 1 like | 567 views

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I have the whole suit of the Bahnschrift font installed and I can only select Bahnschrift Normal. Does anyone else have problem?

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The Bahnschrift font comes with the latest versions of Windows, so no need to install it manually.

My font dialog looks like this.

michiel, a year ago

When I select the Bahnschrift font, I can select 2 styles: Normal and Bold.

Other fonts like Bahnschrift Condensed also offer different styles.

To make it more confusing, professional designers call a font family a "type" and a particular style a "face". For example, "Bahnschrift" is a type and "Bahnschrift Bold" a face. The word "font" is only used for the file: the TrueType or OpenType file is the font.

michiel, a year ago

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