NextPreviousHomeAlpha Channel from Sony Vegas 12 not recognized in Bluff

lightads | a year ago | 3 comments | 314 views

I have a video clip rendered with alpha channel from Sony Vegas 12 pro to AVI. After adding this clip into a video layer, Bluff doesn't see the alpha on this clip, the alpha is black.

I dont think it's a Bluff problem because I have other alpha channel clips rendered from Particle Illusion using Lagarith codec which work fine in BT. Is there a way to force BT to see it?

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When the Lagarith codec works fine, isn't it possible to use this same codec in Vegas?

When this does not work, can you provide a test video?

michiel, a year ago

Solution Found:
The Lagarith codec didn't allow me to check box the Include alpha option however I did manage to dig into the Vegas menu render options under AVI. There's a lot option and right at the bottom was "Uncompressed" in Video Format section.

lightads, a year ago

Otherwise you can use the AlphaThreshold effect found in Filters

Franco Aversa, a year ago

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