Thor5ten | 2 years ago | 3 comments | 4 likes | 477 views
vincent, Ulli, michiel and 1 other like this!
As requested by Jolosan64 here: I've recreated the technique involved to have a model only partly furry. It's all in the transparency of the colourmap used by the fur effect. The duplicated model lying "beneath" (see Depth Bias) however has a fully opaque colourmap. To look further into the attached tech demo show press F2.
Nice trick!
Notice that it's possible to attach a plasma layer to a picture layer: select the picture layer and choose LAYER > ATTACH LAYER > ATTACH PLASMA TO ACTIVE LAYER... This basically automates what you do with a colour map layer.
michiel, 2 years ago
There are still features in BT I didn't even notice. Thanks Michiel for the heads up!
Thor5ten, 2 years ago