Pioneer | 2 years ago | 17 comments | 713 views

Good morning. After some help here please. I have just upgraded my smartphone to a Samsung galaxy S21 and the saved image format I have chosen is HEIC/HEIF. I can open these files in Affinity Photo but not Irfanview nor Blufftitler does anybody have any suggestions on how either of these programs are able to open an image in HEIC/HEIF format please?. I prefer to use the HEIF/HEIC format on my phone for better quality images. O/s Win10. Cheers John

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BluffTitler uses WIC to decode images. WIC is a codec system similar to video codes.

Choose the WIC tab in the <Ctrl><F1> dialog to see an overview of all the WIC codecs installed on your system.

So all you need is a HEIC WIC codec. Maybe this one works for you:

michiel, 2 years ago

Thank you Michiel. I did as you suggested and it looks as if its already install.

Pioneer, 2 years ago

Looks good!

All these formats are selectable when you create a new picture layer:

michiel, 2 years ago

No, sadly all I can see on screen is a white box. I will have to investigate further.

Pioneer, 2 years ago

I just downloaded a sample HEIC picture from this page and experienced no problems:

michiel, 2 years ago

Ok also downloaded and same problem. Will investigate a bit further. Cheers John

Pioneer, 2 years ago

Michiel. Just downloaded and installed this............. . All works Ok now. Also has the ability in file explorer to right click on the HEIC image and convert a copy to a Jpg. Info for other Forum members if they encounter the same problem. Cheers John

Pioneer, 2 years ago

Mysterious issue.... but happy to hear it works now!

michiel, 2 years ago

Ho fatto la stessa prova di Michiel e tutto ha funzionato perfettamente.

nonnogio, 2 years ago

nonnogio, never mind, thanks for trying, obviously a hiccup with my system. Cheers John

Pioneer, 2 years ago

Ho provato a rinominare l'estensione alla foto da prova.heic a prova.jpg e funziona bene.

nonnogio, 2 years ago

We will add the possibility to export pictures in the HEIF format in the next version.

michiel, 2 years ago

Michiel that sounds like a way forward and good idea. My understanding is that HEIF is a superior file type with both better photo quality along with better compression making smaller filesizes. Cheers John

Pioneer, 2 years ago

Version can save pictures in the HEIF format: choose FILE > EXPORT AS PICTURE... and select the HEIF format.

michiel, 2 years ago

Ho eseguito l'aggiornamento, purtroppo BF non esporta le immagini nel formato HEIF.

nonnogio, 2 years ago

Michiel. I am obviously missing a trick here. When I export as a HEIF it returns to the program but I do not the dialogue the file has been saved as illustrated for a jpg. there is no HEIF on my hard drive. Cheers John and thank you so far for the work on this area.

Pioneer, 2 years ago

Mayby you've selected the JPG format (with the dropdown in the file dialog) and typed BLUFFO.HEIF. This gives you the file BLUFFO.jpg.

The idea is to select the HEIF format and type BLUFFO. This gives you the file BLUFFO.heif.

michiel, 2 years ago

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