lightads | 3 years ago | 5 comments | 591 views
1. The ability to start playing a video at a specific time in the video layer.
I use this option a lot.
2. The VISIBLE checkbox to be moved from the right hand edge to next to the left of the layer drop down box, and also to add a hotkey for this feature.
I disable and enable VISIBLE checkbox a lot when compiling a show. It would be easier to see quickly if the layer is active or not.
You know how the spider in the robot arms pack walks on the ground? Be kind of cool if it could also walk up a wall. This probably could be done by having them all follow another container, or some other way. But it would be kind of cool if we could change the direction the legs hang with a slider button or something. I hope that makes sense,lol
Decentralized, 3 years ago
There are so many good features added past year. Some of them I never imagined and asked for but they are cool. A new feature is not coming (sooner) when you ask for it every time you see fit.
The start video layer question is asked for may times......but there is a simple work around:
Chop your show in different parts and use a playlist.
Armabit you have already asked (6 months ago for the obj it should be noted somewhere.
I've asked for many things and the most times Michiel showed me a feature of BluffTitler to do the job in an almost similar way.
Filip, 3 years ago
Same here, Flip. Bluff has had some really amazing updates. I usually tell people the only limits bluff has is your imagination. Like for an example if I really want a spider to walk up a wall, I know I could make it happen. I could put my landscape or house in a container and rotate it and the camera, maybe? hmmm. Might have to try that. LOL
Decentralized, 3 years ago
The keyboard shortcut for the VISIBLE checkbox is <Ctrl> + ,
Instead of using the video layer, it works better exporting your title with an alpha channel and do the mixing in your NLE. Here's a tutorial using Vegas:
michiel, 3 years ago
Using 3D BluffTitler to give me the edge in my video editing :)
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