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Filip | 3 years ago | 10 comments | 943 views

I can't get the picture layer and the model layer follow the sketch layer when I use the first slider of the Position Property.

The sketch layer is set Attached layer follow the sketch. The text layer will follow the sketch line.

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Animate the WRITER prop of the sketch layer to make the attached picture and model layers follow the sketch.

michiel, 3 years ago

Michiel that works for one model but I want to add more models (balloons). This means that I have to create a invisible sketch layer for every balloon. And start every writer property at an other time on the time line.

Filip, 3 years ago

It works better with 3d particles. It comes close.

Filip, 3 years ago

When changing the POSITION prop, picture and model layers are moved along the straight line parallel to the sketch. I understand this is sometimes not what you want, but changing this behavior will break old shows. And making it optional pollutes the layer with an incomprehensible option...

Indeed, for now, an invisible sketch layer for every balloon (set the PEN SIZE to (0,0)) will do what you want.

michiel, 3 years ago

Non conosco l' inhglese e traduco con goole spero di aver capito la tua richiesta.
Io ho risolto mettendo l' immagine e il modello in un contenitore, poi ho collega il contenitore ad
uno schizzo, quindi con il comando scrittura i due elementi seguono in tracciato

nonnogio, 3 years ago

Thnx Michiel I understand. Nonoogio I'll try your solution

Filip, 3 years ago


Have you considered creating a colour font? I think that would automate everything and also makes it possible to easily mix party hats and balloons with ordinary letters.

michiel, 3 years ago

Instead of creating your own colour font you could also try using emoji:

🎈H🎈A🎈P🎈P 🎈Y🎈B 🥳I 🥳R 🥳T 🥳H 🥳D 🥳A 🥳Y 🥳

michiel, 3 years ago

Well done Filip! I'm a little late ... A little example anyway ...
Media files (791 Ko):

Alex-Raymond T., 3 years ago

Thnx Michiel, that's also an idea. I'm not good in creating a colour font. And with a font you would have to use The Inflated style to get a nice balloon. And I have the 3d Models.
Thnx Alex-Raymond great show, will study it.

Filip, 3 years ago

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