Franco Aversa | 3 years ago | 4 comments | 734 views

I'm making a robot arm, and I've chained the containers. When you get to 3 containers, they no longer link together. It's normal?

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Franco, if you add the containers layers first in a show (without attach them) and in second time use 'attach active layer' option you can obtain more levels of hierarchy. Then you have just to adjust pivot points/positions/rotations... of each subcontainer to obtain the movements you need (here 5 levels, without edit .bt).

vincent, 3 years ago

Merci à tous et bravo Vincent pour cette super idée pour arriver à imbriquer des containers pour réaliser une chaine de mouvement. C'était déjà ma demande il y a quelques temps pour la cinématique particulière de l'amortissement du rover "Perseverence" et de l'animation de son bras ( ).
Je viens juste de faire un petit essai qui s'avère concluant. Je vais reprendre mon montage et essayer de faire un show 100% BluffTiter. 👍

Thank you all and congratulations Vincent for this great idea to manage to nest containers to create a chain of movement. This was already my request some time ago for the particular kinematics of the damping of the rover "Perseverence" and the animation of its arm ( -continued).
I just did a little test that turned out to be successful. I'm going to go back to my editing and try to do a 100% BluffTiter show. 👍

Alex-Raymond T., 3 years ago

Thanks, sorry I was on vacation.
I made this animation using fusion in Davinci Resolve and as I made all the robot arm designs I wanted to reproduce
the same thing in BluffTitler. Now I try as Vincent said

Franco Aversa, 3 years ago

My robot arm is that... the pliers open and close and has 4 joints

Franco Aversa, 3 years ago

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About Franco Aversa

I'm a videomaker since 1986, now I work at my company.

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