Lightsmith | 3 years ago | 4 comments | 752 views
I tried to create the effect in the attached video using text, but i was not able. The exploded text simply did not explode correctly with the desired effects. (Aesthetic explosion...sounds like a contradiction in terms ;)
Anyway, I wound up having to do this with a PNG which makes the letters flat with no thickness. I still like it, but being a stickler for details, I really would like to create the same effect as you see in the video using 3d text. Any thoughts? I can post the text version if you need a comparison.
Let us see your bets effort till now. What did you already tried?
Filip, 3 years ago
Have you tried animating the JUMBLE property of the text layer? This rotates and moves the individual letters randomly, which gives the impression of an explosion.
In the 3rd line I combined this with the Text\TextClip effect with the FX CLIP LETTERS prop set to 1. I used a second text layer to render the part that is clipped away by setting the FX CLIP PLANE ROTATION to a value 180 degrees higher.
The last line uses the old V11\V11_Cracks1 effect. This looks more like bullet hole, but might be what you are looking for.
The font used is Times New Roman, which is not what the original uses, but much better than the default Arial.
The texture is ReflectionMap_Silver.jpg from the installer, turned into gold by setting the COLOUR prop to (255, 192, 49)
michiel, 3 years ago
I am thankful for the advice and suggestions! I will give it a shot and see if I can get closer to matching that. Will post what I come up with. What you folks are capable of in this program is truly a case for study :)
I see I have a lot more to learn! Will try these suggestions and get back to you.
Lightsmith, 3 years ago