Lightsmith | 3 years ago | 7 comments | 7 likes | 694 views
Ilja, JhonnyW, komies and 4 others like this!
Something I tried recently to create a fairly realistic dust storm in BluffTitler. 80% BluffTitler and 20% Vegas. Hope you like it.
Very nice!
But how did you do it?
I think I would try using the FOG RANGE and FOG COLOUR properties of the camera layer in combination with a particle layer based on the Mist preset. But maybe you used other tricks.
michiel, 3 years ago
Michiel, about that, would it be possible to have a fog.cfx with heigtht and altitude parameters ans maybe a dust/grain size and density parameters. Thank you.
vincent, 3 years ago
I like the dust storm.
Filip, 3 years ago
Vincent, the dust/grain size can be adjusted with the PARTICLE SIZE prop of the particle layer and by editing the texture.
The density can be set with the EMISSION property and also by adjusting the texture.
Maybe you can generate the texture inside BluffTitler by rendering another particle layer in a colourmap layer. That will become a super complex show but technically it must be possible!
And an altitude depending fog is an interesting idea. Thanks!
michiel, 3 years ago
@ Michiel - "I think I would try using the FOG RANGE and FOG COLOUR properties of the camera layer in combination with a particle layer based on the Mist preset. But maybe you used other tricks."
Thank you Michiel and all for the kind words. I was actually working on something else, which was animating a flight path for a helicopter and animating the rotors realistically in Titler. I liked the storm so much I decided to work on it instead. Here is the original experiment with the copter. No Vegas :)
The fog effect on the camera was as you say, although I did not use mist. Also dropping a video (a PNG that I animated is the storm video) onto a "In 3d space" plane in BluffTitler and then pushing it partially into and out of the fog until it had the right effect was the final touch. I used the particle effect with models attached for the jets. The only part Vegas was used for was to drop a transparent video across the front to create some foreground dust and some sound, something I believe I could have done with Titler but I was in Vegas when the thought occurred to finish it.
Lightsmith, 3 years ago