Franco Aversa | 5 years ago | 11 comments | 10 likes | 1.5K views
Thor5ten, Ulli, maxste and 7 others like this!
I created a 3d room, I took the single wall and deformed it on the floor with a perspective deformation. The room is reconstructed quite well. Is there another technique?
By making 3D furniture I mean.
Great 3d room with what did you make it?
Filip, 5 years ago
he he Vincent, it's only a test...
Filip I designed the room in Blender, I took the room frontally. But then I wanted to give it a try, I took the single wall and with a perspective effect I brought "the trapeze" back to a square and I inserted it with the scheme: floor, ceiling, walls.
I wanted to see if the distortion effect on furniture that is achieved with a single image changed if I used this system. I read that the interiormap rooms are obtained with a render with a parallax effect.
Franco Aversa, 5 years ago
Very good test, Franco! ?
I have also made a test with an 3D room, but the distortion was to strong. ☹
Ulli, 5 years ago
The best way is use the walls without inserting furniture, or understand how the artist has produced a texture where the furniture is all positioned very far down the room.
Franco Aversa, 5 years ago
I'm a videomaker since 1986, now I work at my company.
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