Franco Aversa | 6 years ago | 4 comments | 8 likes | 1.7K views

liuyongcai, SMSgtRod, michiel and 5 others like this!

This shield is it was created with the use of Bixelangelo and BluffTitler, no external tools were used for the realization.
The shield is curved thanks to the sphere cap functions and has the thickness thanks to the new "Extrude-picture" effect
in this shield I used a height map to deform it.
Then there is a version with a smooth shield.

Or with 2 images as texture:

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so the reflections from a dds file like a cubemap right?

Rorysee, 6 years ago

I created a conteiner that contains the shield that is deformed with the "sphere cap" and has the reflection with a material ColourmapDisplacementmapReflectionmap.cfx.
(This because with ExtrudePicture the reflexes do not come).
  Still inside the container I put the shield with the effect "extrudepicture" always deformed by "sphere cap" to create the thickness
and on the back (always inside the container) the shield with the wood always defended by "sphere cap".

The reflection is only a jpg picture.

Franco Aversa, 6 years ago

Good job Franco..

Dani, 6 years ago

Very nice shield, Franco!

Ulli, 6 years ago

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I'm a videomaker since 1986, now I work at my company.

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