lightads | 3 years ago | 4 comments | 1 like | 592 views
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Is the LensFlare layer obsolete now?
In the User Guide, the very last layer mentioned is Lens Flare Layer.
Instead of sorting the layers alphabetically, they are sorted by their distance to the camera: back to front. The plasma layer is high in the list because it's most of the time rendered in the background. And the lens flare layer is last because it is always rendered on top of all other layers.
Do you have suggestions to sort this list in a better way?
michiel, 3 years ago
To create a new lens flare layer: select a light layer and choose the menu item LAYER > ATTACH LAYER > ATTACH LENS FLARE TO ACTIVE LAYER....
michiel, 3 years ago
Using 3D BluffTitler to give me the edge in my video editing :)
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