NextPreviousHomeIssue when converting a color map

aki | 4 years ago | 3 comments | 2 likes | 935 views

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Hello everyone

I created a flag list using a slideshow tool. Then, I changed the shape with the color map and played with it.
The result is fun as expected.
However, when it is made into a cube, it does not fit the surface beautifully.
Any ideas on placing a list created with the slideshow tool on a cube face?

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The CUBE style of the picture layer expects a filmstrip with 6 square frames: one for every face of the cube.

For an example, take a look at CubeFaces.jpg that comes with the installer. It can be found in the BluffTitler/Media/Textures folder.

michiel, 4 years ago

Easiest way is to prepare your texture in a paint app.

The difficult way is to make your colourmap square and apply the Special\UVModifier effect to the layer that renders the cube with the following settings:
FX TEXTURE SCALE (0.1666, 1)


michiel, 4 years ago


I tried the two methods you suggested.
It fits neatly on the surface of the cube.
Thank you

aki, 4 years ago

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