aki | 3 years ago | 17 comments | 899 views
When you output the attached program (MOV, mp4, avi), shagi will be displayed in various places as shown in the figure.
It is the same even if the resolution is lowered.
Also, the same phenomenon occurs not only with lines, but also with line segments, rectangles, and triangles.
Is there a way to keep the outline of the line undisturbed?
Strange issue.
Not yet managed to reproduce the problem...
Does it also happen when you play the show in realtime? Or only in the exported video/picture?
michiel, 3 years ago
@ Michel
Yes, it also happens when playing shows in real time. However, you will not notice it unless you pay attention in an instant.
I noticed this issue when playing a video exported in 4k (3840 * 2160) MOV. I suspected there was a problem with MOV, so I exported it with avi (uncompressed), but the result was the same.
After careful checking in real time, I noticed that the lines were distorted for a moment.
It may be easy to see the phenomenon that the outline of the line is disturbed for a moment by the line segment.
There is one thing to worry about.
I changed the show speed to 1/10 (time is 10 times longer) to tell you exactly what the problem is.
Then the line was not disturbed.
After that, when I returned to the original speed again, the line was disturbed.
My pc specs
Windows 8.1
i7-4790 @ 3.60GHz
Graphics GeForce GTX 1650
Could this issue be due to the performance of my PC?
Or is it due to a small bug in BT?
aki, 3 years ago
I see no problem playing your videos on my computer. Maybe you could try to update your video drivers...
vincent, 3 years ago
I don't see it either.
At which time is the artifact visible?
When you add a text layer with the text "<showtime />", the exact show time is printed. In combination with the .BT file, that would greatly help. I'm sure we can fix it quickly once we can reproduce it.
michiel, 3 years ago
@ Michelle Vincent
Reduced the number of lines to two to make the problem easier to understand. (The show has been updated.)
The two lines are dark blue and light blue.
For me, both blue lines are partially decontaminated. (It's very momentary)
I exported it in numbered frames and checked one by one to identify the time.
In that case, no frame is partially missing the outline.
However, when I play MOV, the outline of the line seems to be lost for a moment.
I think this is strange.
Do you have a lot of moments when you're playing a video and the contours are missing like a photo?
If there is no such moment, there may be a problem with my PC or my eyes.
@ Vincent
The video card driver is up to date.
Is there anything else I can check on my PC?
aki, 3 years ago
Aki, no problem when i play the new file, so, in my opinion problem is not due to mov file itself. Maybe problem comes from the video card or the monitor (portable PC ?) or some settings of your GeForce GTX 1650.
Have you the possibility to play your mov file on another computer ?
Have you noticed this problem with videos other than those created on your computer ?
vincent, 3 years ago
Your video plays fine here as well. No black bar at 00.05.400. I think we can conclude that there's nothing wrong with BluffTitler or the video.
Problem could be:
-video player
-video card driver
-video card
Have you already tried playing the video in another player, updating your video driver and playing it on another computer?
What's mysterious is that the black bar in your screenshot has the same rotation as the blue line. Video driver bugs sometimes render black bars, but never rotated. That's very strange.
michiel, 3 years ago
Indeed it doesn't look like a lost pixel. But the black rectangle orientation on 2nd capture is not the same than in 1st ?!
vincent, 3 years ago
@ Michel and Vincent
First of all, I apologize to you for my lack of explanation.
The photograph is an image.
Even if the output video was displayed frame by frame, the line loss could not be displayed, so I wanted to convey the image of the loss.
I told you it was momentary, but it's probably less than 1/100 second.
Even if I make adjustments with BT, each type of video I exported, and Vegas, I can see the defects momentarily. On my PC ...
When I checked the video converted to mp4 on my iPad, there were no missing lines.
As you pointed out, I thought this problem was caused by my PC.
I will continue to look for a solution to this problem.
Michel and Vincent
Thank you for cooperating with my problem.
aki, 3 years ago
What do you mean with "the photograph is an image"?
Have you photoshopped the black bars?
Or did you make a photo of your screen with a camera?
michiel, 3 years ago
@ Michiel
I don't speak English so I use Google Translate.
"the photograph is an image" is a translation error.
I couldn't export the missing line I saw on the display with "Export as picture (Alt + W)". I tried to process the video exported from BT with Vegas and reproduce it, but it was still impossible.
I thought that even if I told you in words that "the line was disturbed" or "the line was missing", it would not be accurately conveyed to you. (Unless I can speak English well ...)
So I reproduced the situation I saw with "Affinity Photo".
To be precise, the outline of the black bar is hazy, but the purpose is to convey the shape of "disturbance" and "deficiency".
aki, 3 years ago
The first thing to say was that these captures was fake because you have to see the phenomenon as it really is to make a diagnosis that holds up. If it is not a portable you should try with an other monitor (screen).
vincent, 3 years ago
@ Vincent
I should have written a detailed explanation in the first post.
I apologize again.
I have two monitors from different manufacturers (BenQ and hp).
This symptom occurs on both monitors in the same way.
aki, 3 years ago
Curious to learn what is happening here.
I hope your experiments solve the mystery!
michiel, 3 years ago
This problem seems to have been caused by my PC.
-Changed the power management of the PC to "performance priority".
-Adjusted the detailed GPU settings to "Quality Priority".
Adjusting these two settings fixed the problem.
Thanks to Michiel and Vincent for helping solve this problem.
aki, 3 years ago