NextPreviousHomeCombine AscenderBender.cfx with Rainbow Text.cfx

Filip | 4 years ago | 6 comments | 608 views

Is it possible to combine Tex effects such as Rainbow Text with AscenderBender, Bender etc.?

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Effects are small apps that run on your graphics card. It's technically and conceptually impossible to automatically mix apps. If that was possible we could also, for example, mix World of Warcraft with Grand Theft Auto.

It takes a coder to mix apps.

michiel, 4 years ago

I have some difficulties to understand because when you use an effect on the camera layer it is well added (combined) to the indiviual effects of each layers of the show, same thing with effect applied on colourmap, it is added the effects applied on each layers of the colourmap.

vincent, 4 years ago

Technically it is not possible to use the output of any effect as the input of any other effect. But it does work with filter effects (that only update the texture). Applying a filter effect to the camera layer or a colourmap layer does exactly that.

michiel, 4 years ago

I'm sorry but i still don't understand, for example if you apply bender effect on a text and then apply bubbler effect on camera both effects are combined , yet it has nothing to do with textures.

vincent, 4 years ago

Vincent, when you apply the bubbler effect to the camera layer, it is applied to a 2D rectangular mesh using the 2D output of all layers as a texture. That's something totally different than applying the bubbler effect to a text layer. In the latter case, it is applied to a 3D mesh.

When the effects would output a 3D mesh you could chain them. But they don't: they only output pixels. That's why only filter effects (that only need pixels) make sense applying to the camera layer.

michiel, 4 years ago

ok michiel, understood.

vincent, 4 years ago

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