aki | 4 years ago | 12 comments | 797 views
I'm new to Bluff titler and I'm practicing while reading an old article in the tutorial.
Now I faced a problem that I couldn't solve myself.
Look at the photo I attached.
Layer 06; 07; 08 under layer 05 surrounded by a red frame
I don't know how to do this.
This is a basic operation method, but please tell me.
Are you just wanting to add text layers ( layers 06, 07, 08 ) or are you wanting to add a Container layer ( 05 ) ?
MrGruntHunter, 4 years ago
I think you are looking for the menu item LAYER > ATTACH LAYER > ATTACH BORDER TO ACTIVE LAYER...
michiel, 4 years ago
Thank you for your reply
I'm not good at English, so I can't seem to explain it well.
Referenced tutorial
I think layer 05 uses a text layer.
And I think layers 06-08 are also text layers.
What I want to know is how to put a text layer inside a text layer.
In this tutorial, I don't think the relationship between layers 05 and layers 06-08 is "container layer" or "ATTACH BORDER TO ACTIVE LAYER".
Am I wrong in my perception?
aki, 4 years ago
Layer 5 is the parent and layers 6, 7 and 8 are the children.
The children are attached to the parent.
A text layer can be attached to another text layer by selecting the text layer and choosing the menu item LAYER > ATTACH LAYER > ATTACH BORDER TO ACTIVE LAYER...
michiel, 4 years ago
@ aki,
Dans l'exemple que vous citez, le calque 5 est le calque de texte principal, on peut choisir las attributs (police, couleur, taille etc)
Les textes 6, 7 et 8 sont des habillages, (par exemple bordures, plasmas, particules...) on y accède, soit par le menu CALQUE> Joindre un calque, soit par les icones de la barre d'outils.
Pour connaitre l'effet correspondant à un de ces calques, il suffit de cliquer plusieurs fois sur le bouton visible (afin de désactiver le calque correspondant ou de l'activer).
En espérant avoir été suffisamment clair.
maggico, 4 years ago
The example shown by @aki was based on the Carnival.bt by Michiel.
So for layers 6, 7, and 8, how does one know which type of layer (border, plasma, particles) is attached to the main text layer?
JCB, 4 years ago
JCB, there is not border layer type. The border is text layer with another style. For example you can create a text with a border by combining the SOLID and STROKES SHARP styles.
The layer type can be seen in the layers dropdown. For example "LAYER 12 Particle flare7.jpg" means that it's a particle layer using the flare7.jpg texture.
michiel, 4 years ago
Thanks for the reply. Bad choice of words on my part so I'll try again.
For layers 6-8, how does one know which style was selected to be attached? Layer 5 is the text layer. Layer 6 is made using Attach Layer - and one of the selections - Attach border, plasma, particles or lightning. After the fact, how do we know which one was selected or does it not matter?
I think that this is what @aki wants to know.
Please take a look at Carnival.bt as it was done a long time ago and uses V11 effects.
JCB, 4 years ago
No, that does not answer my question. This is one of those things that stumps casual users like me.
I made a new show, a text layer and attached Border, Plasma, Particles and Lightning to the text layer. Now the answer is obvious. In the example I quoted, layers 6 through 8 would all be Border because when Attach Border to Active Layer is used, the sub-layer has "Text" in the title. The others have Plasma, Particles and Lightning in the name. Logically, Border should be in the name and not "Text."
If the sub-layer had Border as the name, then the answer would have been obvious.
Thanks again,
John CB
JCB, 4 years ago
I found the answer to my question in a tutorial posted by @michiel 9 years ago.
As @JCB pointed out, the cause that confused me was the word "Text" in layers 6-8.
I can now understand the advice @maggico gave me.
If the title included in the layer of "ATTACH BORDER TO ACTIVE LAYER" is "Border" instead of "Text" like @ JCB's comment, I think I would not be confused.
Thanks for the comments from @michiel, @maggico, and @JCB.
aki, 4 years ago
Here's the dilemma:
When we call the menu item ATTACH TEXT TO ACTIVE LAYER, users ask how to add a border.
But when we call it ATTACH BORDER TO ACTIVE LAYER, users (like you) ask how to add a text layer.
michiel, 4 years ago