Pixelpanther | 5 years ago | 2 comments | 1 like | 770 views
Alex-Raymond T. likes this!
Hi Michiel,
I've found that especially with use of the new VJ Layer Dialog box I am accidentally hitting the refresh button from time to time, leading to losing any changes not already saved.
Is it possible to have a confirmation popup on this or possibly move the refresh please in the next version perhaps?
Thanks & kind regards,
Other power buttons are positioned below the drop down menu.
What you can do is to remove all the power buttons by choosing SETTINGS > BROWSER MODE.
michiel, 5 years ago
Ah - forgot about that - Thank you, that will save my silly missed clicks (and a fair amount of time not losing edits too!)
Thanks Michiel :)
Pixelpanther, 5 years ago
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