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lightads | 5 years ago | 4 comments | 874 views

In the INTRO5 BT that comes with the install, on the plasma layer you use LDR Colourrmap. What does that do exactly?

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The other style (HDR) is important when you use the plasma layer for displacement mapping.

Here's a comparison between LDR and HDR. The template used is Plasma\ from the installer.

Notice that the colourmap layer is also set to HDR.

michiel, 5 years ago

And here's the Wikipedia article about LDR/HDR:

michiel, 5 years ago

Also in the Itro 5 BT show how did you put the lines in the background ? Not the plasma layer.

lightads, 5 years ago

Filters\CarvedGlass.cfx on the Camera Layer.

Use CTRL + Shift to render each layer individually and you can use cursor up down while going to the layer list.

komies, 5 years ago

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