lightads | 5 years ago | 4 comments | 1 like | 929 views
LostBoyz likes this!
On the video layer it would be nice if we could control when the clip would start playing. In my show when I come to the part where my clip should play the clip is halfway thru playing. Maybe in the property section there could be a delay slider. Or is there a way to delay the start?
You can edit it in a video editor.For example if you want your video to start after 3o seconds.Then in the video editor you can have a transparent png that goes to 30 seconds and the insert your video there at 30 seconds ,Or you can make the video transparent in bluff and turn off tranparent on 30 seconds.This is something i have figured out myself.
chaver, 5 years ago
I use the same method as Chaver, but as Michiel says, it would be wonderful to have a more practical device.
Thank you.
Alex-Raymond T., 5 years ago
Thank you Chaver and Alex. I have been using this method as a work around. This means every time you want to adjust when the vid plays you have to re-render. But it's great that bluff can actually do this so effortlessly.
lightads, 5 years ago
Using 3D BluffTitler to give me the edge in my video editing :)
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