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Filip | 5 years ago | 5 comments | 958 views

I have followed the discussion about the transparancy in NLE's.
Sometimes we (I am certainly) are bad readers.

The answer to my problems with Pinnacle Studio 20? The Lagarith codec!
I found it on:
YES...on our beloved BluffTitler MANUAL! (Sorry @Michiel for not reading and asking superfluous questions)

BluffTitler can create videos with transparency information (RGBA). You can do this by selecting one of the with transparency options in the FILE > Export as video... dialog. This is useful when you want to overlay your titles onto your videos.

A lossless codec that supports transparency is Lagarith

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That's known but .... it depends upon the NLE we use. In DaVinci Resolve a simple MP4 output will do the job as explained in my previuos thread.

Jeep35, 5 years ago

You can also save BT outputs as uncompressed AVI and extract the alpha channel with ffmpeg (free), you will then get an alpha channel file

In this case, you can use the alpha channel file as a mask in any NLE.

You can even convert the uncompressed versions of BT as any lighter format. In ProShow Producer, I use this method.

Jeep35, 5 years ago

And again another tip !
Apply a ViewAlphaChannel filter to the camera layer and save the show with this process. You will get an alpha channel file to be used as a mask in your NLE

Jeep35, 5 years ago

or images sequences with an alpha channel can be rendered out from Bluff into your NLE. so you can render out multiple layers from bluff which can be composited in an NLE.

Rorysee, 5 years ago

I moved from Pinnacle Studio 21 (always crashing and requiring a hard reboot) to Cyberlink's Power Director and after several months has yet to crash.

SMSgtRod, 5 years ago

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