Franco Aversa | 6 years ago | 3 comments | 2 likes | 1.6K views
LostBoyz and vincent like this!
Dear Michiel,
meanwhile, I want to thank you for the continuous work you do, as demonstrated by the new version just launched.
I just wanted to give an idea and ask if this will be possible.
Would it be possible to have an effect that would modify an eps along the creation points in order to deform it?
A kind of deformation of EPS? Maybe with dilatation or narrowing along a cutting area?
It would be very nice to be able to animate the eps not only with the deformation along the two axes x and y or z.
Is there already something that does this?
To give you an idea I refer a bit 'to the deformation of After Effect with vector drawings.
Thanks so much.
I would like this too! maybe a kind of beziers curves setting... For the moment we can only deform with displacement map. i was thinking to a merging option to combine several EPS in one (superEPS).
vincent, 6 years ago
yes Vincent, I was also thinking of a kind of blob mesh that joins together, or a simpler deformation method.
There is bend effect for EPS....
Franco Aversa, 6 years ago
I'm a videomaker since 1986, now I work at my company.
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