Franco Aversa | 6 years ago | 4 comments | 2.8K views

Is it possible to insert a VJ effect for the speed of the sprites to make an audio file for animate an object?
it is possible to make that in the VJ panel there is the choice of an audio file to animate a single object. That is, to be able to insert different audio that control each one a parameter without using the frequencies?

Thank you!

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You could use the TIME DILATION property of the particle layer, as Komies does here:

michiel, 6 years ago

maybe I explained badly, I would like a "sprite" to move based on the audio, stopping (speed 0) or advancing in the animation based on when there is presence of sound. So you could animate things based on the sound.
Not for particles....

Franco Aversa, 6 years ago

What is a sprite?

michiel, 6 years ago

a sprite is a little 2D animation for game,
that is, what we create with the filmstrip effect,
it would be possible to stop or start this animation with the VJ effect
so, for example, you could move a "mouth" in sync with an audio file
or a "bird" that fly with the rhythm of the sound of the wings.
Just add this parameter to the VJ panel.
For example if there is a filmstrip of a gun
it will only fire when you hear the shot on the audio file
because it will start the animation.

Have you seen the animation of my man who moves his mouth simply by giving an audio file with the speech?

Franco Aversa, 6 years ago

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I'm a videomaker since 1986, now I work at my company.

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