Rorysee | 6 years ago | 3 comments | 1.4K views
how do i convert eps or path files to ttf file as a font for bluff. i know about alphabix but this wont save the images as a type face
So you want to create your own TTF?
I advise you to google on "font creator app". Maybe one of those apps can import EPS files.
michiel, 6 years ago
michiel i want to import eps files like cogs and gears nuts and bolts and other maniacal things into an app then save then as TTF file then use the cogs and gears as text = easy quick way = in bluff because i want to use bluff text animation application treatment on the gears and cogs etc
Rorysee, 6 years ago
I have never created a TTF font, but there must be font design apps out there that can import EPS files.
Interesting project. Don't forget to show the result in this community!
michiel, 6 years ago